What’s for lunch today?

What’s for lunch today? That’s an everyday question that, wether we want to or not, we have to answer. That is why I am always looking for fun and easy ways to satisfy my hunger and my cravings. I want to be honest and just say: I am alway hungry and I eat a lot!

This week the sun has been shining, the temperatures have begun to rise and springtime is definitely starting to show itself completely. That is why I have been eating more salads, raw vegetables, sprouts and in general lighter food. I’m not that into hot and heavy foods as I was a month ago when it was rainy, gloomy and cold. 

Keeping this in mind, today I spent all morning thinking what I wanted for lunch while I was working (Food is a priority!). Before leaving home I steamed some vegetables and left them to cool down, I just thought the inspiration for lunch would come later. When I came back home for lunchtime, I just gathered a few things I had in the fridge and made an awesome, healthy and filling salad! I made it creamy, chewy and so satisfying.


Ingredients: Fermented tofu, mixed leaves, natural flavour nush yogurt, “seaweed pesto”, steamed vegetables of your choice, sprouted mungo beans & broccoli and biona coconut nectar.

  1. Steam the vegetables. I use a bamboo steamer which makes everything easy and fast. On this occasion I cooked brussel sprouts, aparragus and mange tout beans. But I generally use what I have at hand, so be creative! I did this before hand, so the vegetables are at room temperature for when I am ready to make the salad.
  2. Take the nush yogurt (Or any kind of unsweetened yogurt: greek yogurt, coconut yogurt…) and mix it with 1 spoonful of seaweed pesto. To give it more flavour I added 2 teaspoons of biona coconut nectar, but you can use any sweetener you want and have at hand.
  3. Add 1 cup of mixed leaves, 1 cup of sprouted mungo beans and 1 cup of sprouted broccoli. You can also add the fermented tofu, I usually use half a block for myself. You must know by now that I do have a large appetite! 
  4. Toss everything together and you have a nourishing meal filled with protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. 
  5. To give it even more flavour, I used my seaweed gomasio. It really is very tasty. 🙂
